Monday 20 March 2017

LO2: Gaining permissions (Legal and Ethical)

As part of the initial plan i intend to product content featuring world downhill champion Steve Peat. Attached below are screenshots of the email and questions sent out and the corresponding response below...
Attached below is screenshot evidencing the release form given to the model used in the photos...

Monday 13 March 2017

**Work to be completed for LO2

Production Schedules - Weekly: On Monday plan tasks what need to be completed for the week + project time.

Gantt chart - Planning all the activities and task for the whole production. Up to launch date/ deadline (Friday 2nd June 2017).

Legal and Ethical Issues - Images of people, copyright, appropriate language, consent and release forms from location and models, etc.

Visualisation Diagrams -Taken from LO1 sample material

Visual styles and themes - Aesthetics.

Fonts, graphics etc - Sample of fonts for all that are used. Swatch for Magazine colours

Photo shoot plans - examples of photos intended to take for all magazine photos.

Risk assessments and recce forms - What risks there are when taking photos for production team and members of the public. Recce- go to location/ is it suitable for purpose. (do this first)

Call Sheets - For film and photoshoots, used to identify everything needed for shoot. Eg: Models, equipment, location, personnel, time/ date, contingency's.

LO2: Call sheets

*See photoshoot plans*

LO2: Risk assesments and Recce forms

LO2: Photoshoot plans

LO2: Fonts, graphics, house style colours

LO2: Visual styles and themes moodboard

LO2: Annotated visualisation diagrams

LO2: Legal and ethical issues

Obscene publications Act
Illegal to publish content that may negatively influence readers/ audience.
Within the SevenPeaks magazine the main target audience are that of young teen to professionals with majority ABC1 social grade and a high disposable income due to the nature and requirements of the sport. My genre of magazine could possibly have a negative impact on the audience through the use of  language and possible gender stereotypes perceived within the magazine (predominately male features). In addition to this another possible issue within this magazine is that the dangerous sport and activities could be seen to be glamorised and ultimately this could cause safety issues as the readers of the magazine may then go out in attempt to recreate the ideas seen in the magazine and be a danger to themselves or the public.

Therefore, i will try to adhere to this law by including a variety of models to appeal to both genders in addition to adding warnings and guidance within the magazine for the safety aspect and censoring and bad language or material.

Libel Law
Illegal to publish defamatory content about a person or publish untrue information.

To avoid this law i intend to not publish false information, this will be achieved by using reliable sources in addition to referencing all sources used. Furthermore, i will avoiding portraying any bias or negative aspects to the sporting personalities that may have a harmful impact on there lives or career, again to avoid this or any prosecution the articles with be checked and approved by the interviewee them self.

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
The exclusive right to make copies, license of a piece of work by a creator. Protected for the lifetime of the author or for a period 70 years after death.

Consequently, permission will be needed from the model to use there image in the magazine and therefor will have to sign a consent and release form. This allows the image to be used freely within the magazine and other material. Permission may also be needed from brands featured in the magazine, words/ extracts featured in the magazine, location permission. (EG: city centre, grenoside woods, lady cannings trail {all public places exempt.})

Majority of design work will be created by myself therefore not governed by copyright laws. For example the masthead (However, fonts may be copyrighted)

Laws of contempt
Not allowed to document or publish any current criminal cases to avoid impeding/ affecting case. For example avoid sensationalising drug/ doping use in sport or current topical issues relating to this. ( Show non bias or not to influence the audience, use allegedly etc. Could include links to help or provide support such as :

Ethical Issues
Possible ethical issues that could be encountered in the production of this magazine include the representation of genders and races within the sport in addition to not body shaming or promoting unhealthy lifestyles with intention to influence audience or glamorise drug or supplement taking. Safety aspects should also be considered to avoid injury to audience if influenced by the piece. To avoid these ethical issues, a variety of imagery and text will be used to represent all genders and races, in addition to providing the necessary health and safety guidance.

LO2: Gantt Chart

This gannt chart was created to allocate time for each of the tasks needed to be completd for the magazine.

LO2: Production Schedules