Monday 13 March 2017

**Work to be completed for LO2

Production Schedules - Weekly: On Monday plan tasks what need to be completed for the week + project time.

Gantt chart - Planning all the activities and task for the whole production. Up to launch date/ deadline (Friday 2nd June 2017).

Legal and Ethical Issues - Images of people, copyright, appropriate language, consent and release forms from location and models, etc.

Visualisation Diagrams -Taken from LO1 sample material

Visual styles and themes - Aesthetics.

Fonts, graphics etc - Sample of fonts for all that are used. Swatch for Magazine colours

Photo shoot plans - examples of photos intended to take for all magazine photos.

Risk assessments and recce forms - What risks there are when taking photos for production team and members of the public. Recce- go to location/ is it suitable for purpose. (do this first)

Call Sheets - For film and photoshoots, used to identify everything needed for shoot. Eg: Models, equipment, location, personnel, time/ date, contingency's.

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