Monday 24 April 2017

LO4: Client and focus group feedback
Below is a screenshot evidencing the questionnaire being sent out to a sample...


From the questionnaire it is seen that all of the sample agreed that the double page spread is of a high quality and is seen to be professional. This is further supported by the majority 5 star rating with in all areas including: use of colour, photography, layout ease of use, relevance to the genre. The highest scoring aspect of the DPS is photography used where as the lowest scoring would be the lay out and ease of use. There was also no further improvements noted by those surveyed. With regards to the contents page it is seen that 75% of those surveyed agreed that it looked professional again with a majority 5 star rating in all areas and again the lowest scoring being that of the layout and ease of use for the page. This is further justified by the comments which make mention to adjusting the appearance of the descriptions of the pages in order to make them bolder and stand out more, in addition to adjusting the layout in order to make the page look less "tall and busy".

This could be achieved by possibly removing certain aspects of the page such as the subscribe banner and moving the main masthead to the left in order to free up space and provide a cleaner more professional and organised look.

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