Monday 24 April 2017

LO4: Version Controls

Front Cover
Cover lines, masthead and main cover line added in addition to the main cover image being edited. (Hue/ saturation changed and rider emphasised, persons were also removed using the content aware fill too) 
Colours and drop shadows were altered to create a more appealing cover image and the layout changed to make it easier to interpret. Barcode, social links and map graphic were all also designed and added.

Original draft of layout created in photoshop and masked images and graphics were then exported into InDesign.
Text placeholders designed and added then duplicated.
Further images were then added in addition to the main masthead and redesign of the text layout to create a more clean and professional layout.

Rough layout of shapes and image placeholders added to page.
Layout of text placeholders and design
Body copy added in addition to textures and graphics such as the paper clip and bulldog clip.
Final images added, page numbers, slug and textures added to finish article.

Below is a screenshot of the files stated in the version controls above:

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