Monday 24 April 2017

LO4: Evidence of editing

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Editing of the main image. The RAW image file was imported into photoshop where the highlights, contrast, and clarity were all adjusted to make a more vibrant attractive image. Gradual filters were also added to add further emphasis to the rider.
Development of masthead design.

Editing image. The rider was first masked using a combination of the magnetic lasso tool and pen tool. from there a radial blur applied to the wheels to portray a sense of movement in addition to the background behind the rider having a subtle motion blur applied to add emphasis to the rider and portray a sense of speed.

Product Images set 1 (For DPS) :

The alterations were then saved as a preset and applied to the other photos taken in this area.
Creating graphics:
Below is a screenshot of the frame to be used in the DPS, these was created in photoshop using the rectangular marquee tool in conjunction with a texture overlay and a drop shadow with the intention to create a realistic effect. This was then exported as a PNG and inserted into the InDesign document.

Front Cover


Within the main cover image there was a person which detracted and distracted the readers eye from the main subject therefore this was removed. This was achieved by using the clone stamp tool to sample the surrounding material and brush away the person in addition to the content aware fill tool being used in places.

Editing of cover lines:

Originally the cover lines featured the text alone with the title however this was hard to read against the background. Therefore boxes were added to provide a vibrant background making it easier to use. However, this was plain and therefore colour was added to make the banner stand out using the colour overlay tool to easily to this. To further develop this, a harsh drop shadow was added with a contrasting colour to further emphasise the banner and break up the piece.

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